Bill Wynne


Lets Connect

Personal Profile

There is no time like the present.


I am focused on the use of the Internet for many purposes, both humanitarian and commercial. With the steady global migration of people to the Internet for educational, entertainment and commercial purposes the Internet is an excellent place to have virtual real estate so people will find you and what you have to share.

The Internet is a goldmine and many companies and people know that, so it can be difficult to be seen. However, with the right synergistic combination of social media, email marketing, online advertising, SEO and some other "secret" ingredients you or your company can be seen online and reap the rewards, financial or not.

To help people, teams and companies reach their online goals, I own and operate marketing systems, developed marketing software, design websites, blogs and replicating systems. I am confident I can help you reach your goals with my professional team.













Information Technologies / Web Technologies

Studies in hardware/software, networking, databse, PHP, HTML5, CSS3, web technology, Dream Weaver, Access, Office, MySql, user experience, media offered an education for an appreciation for the growing use of the Internet.

Independent Studies

Marketing, SEO, Video, Outsourcing, Product Creation, Team Management, Gardening

My goal is to utilize the Internet to its fullest to marketing my own company with its products and services and to assist other companies with the same goals.



Replication Pro

President / Marble, NC / 2015 - Current

A company offering relicating systems that can be used for affiliate or sales team marketing systems, franchise websites and more. Front end cloned sites with a backend administrative CRM (customer relationship management). This powerful software takes many companies and team to a new level of growth.
visit website replication software website

Lead Capture Page Boss

Product Designer / Marble, NC / 2012 - Current

A lead capture page marketing system built on the technology developed by a colleague. With thousands of subscribers and the system being white-labeled to a number of other companies. It is a passion to help companies, marketing teams and individuals to succeed on the Internet with tools for list building with capture pages, email marketing and automation of tasks by implementing the lastest technologies.
visit website

Guru Lead Crusher

Product Designer / Marble, NC / 2013 - Current

My first software development project. A valuable marketing tool helping Internet sales by discovering a targeted market for a product, service or opportunity. As of January 2014 there is a second program in beta with plans for a marketing suite to be developed.
visit website

Guru SMS Crusher

Product Creator / Marble, NC / 2014 - Current

In today's mobile world, business owners need to use mobile marketing to take advantage of all the methods to reach the masses with their product or service.
visit sms software website

Ampboy Rotator

Designer / Marble, NC / 2014 - Current

A service used for various applications in which a rotation of a number of URLs are need. This is commonly used for testing ads to determine the best performing ones, team coops for advertising to evenly distribute prospects or simple getting exposure to a number of products, services or opportunities from one banner ad.
visit website


Happy to connect, share and develop.

Contact Info

PO Box 721 Marble, NC 28905

(423) 449-9663 | Skype: bill.wynne

Get in Touch